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Our Commitment To You

As we develop new wells and maintain our current wells in your community, our highest priority is to conduct our business in a manner that protects the health, safety, and welfare of communities, our employees, and the environment. We will work with you to provide up-to-date information and mitigate impacts to the greatest extent possible.

Our Best Practices and Mitigation Measures

We strive to make our activities compatible with the surrounding community and use various mitigation techniques to reduce the temporary impacts associated with development. Our team designs each location after careful consideration of the area’s specific attributes. Although some of our operations are conducted 24/7, we aim to minimize non-essential work during the night. For each well pad, we deploy the following strategies to mitigate possible impacts including:  


To ensure the wellbeing of you and your family and those living and working near our operations, we take action to reduce emissions and monitor air quality. 


Reducing Emissions

To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and utilize the valuable energy resources we produce, we select equipment and design our locations and procedures to minimize emissions.  As you can see in the graph, we have been successful in our efforts.
















1. Oxy is the first U.S. oil and gas company to endorse The World Bank's Zero Routine Flaring by 2030 initiative.  In Colorado, we have already achieved zero routine flaring. 


2. To keep emissions low by adhering to CDPHE and AQCC rules. Our drilling and completions engines will follow one of the use practices in Regulation 7 Part B. VI.E.1. These ozone season use practices will be applied to year-round operations.  


3. Our innovative production facilities reduces air emissions in several ways. By eliminating oil and water tanks, we significantly lowers facility emissions. Transporting oil and water off-site through a pipeline further reduces emissions associated with truck traffic. The facility design also uses compressed air to operate pneumatic controllers, which regulate pressure, flow, temperature, and liquid levels in over 90% of our production. Using compressed air eliminates emissions that typically come from natural gas-driven pneumatic controllers. 

We have the lowest emissions inventory intensity of any oil and gas operator in the DJ Basin and have already met the 2030 Colorado Department Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Regulation 22 target.


Monitoring Emissions

During drilling and completions, independent third-party environmental air quality experts perform continuous air quality monitoring. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and the Energy & Carbon Management Commission (ECMC) approve our air monitoring program and receive monthly reports. You can find the monthly monitoring reports created by the third-party consultant on our webpage under Project Updates. Since 2020, we've collected over 11,500 samples and all are well below the CDPHE Health Guidance Values of 9 Parts Per Billion.


Independent third-party air quality experts use traditional and innovative technologies to add context to and validate the data collected. Air monitoring stations include a weather station, a hydrocarbon analyzer, and carbon sorbent tubes. In addition, strategically placed air canisters may supplement data from the air monitoring stations. Air samples are collected and analyzed according to EPA standards. The results are compared to health guideline values set by the CDPHE.


Air monitoring data is collected continuously and is monitored 24/7 by our Integrated Operations Center (IOC). Our monitoring program establishes response and investigation levels designed to protect the health, safety, and welfare of communities, our employees, and the environment. Additionally, our 24/7 IOC ensures responses are both timely and effective. 


To monitor emissions near our production facilities, we have an in-house emissions team that conducts leak detection and repair inspections. During the production phase, every facility is inspected periodically by trained individuals using a handheld infrared camera. We also use infrared camera-equipped drones and conduct frequent audio/visual/olfactory inspections to detect and control emissions.

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“Thanks to the Occidental pad construction crew for watering the gravel road near operations, and mitigating the dust.” 

—  Fort Lupton, CO Homeowner

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